Insite’s Time and Motion Evaluation for Service Volume Reduction generates a $64,000 cost savings for a nationwide resort and lodging company’s contact center.

America’s largest family indoor waterpark resort, engaged with Insite to solution the contact center challenges of a rapid increase in call volume and repeat callers. They leveraged Insite to root cause challenges, and design and implement call center improvement strategies to reduce repeat calls and increase cost savings.


Decrease of Repeat Calls in Contact Center


In Overall Cost-Savings


This company was experiencing an unanticipated and rapidly increasing service volume and a steady decline in reservation line conversion rates. Based on the projected service requirements, there was a significant gap between available contact center agents and the anticipated volume during their peak season from June through August. The client feared that this service gap would create a negative guest experience and potential loss in revenue. They were seeking answers to two critical questions:

  • What opportunities exist to reduce service call volume during peak season?
  • How can we identify repeat callers before routing them to an available call center agent?


To better understand the client’s challenges, our contact center consultants conducted a time and motion study of calls into the new reservation sales line. They documented the key drivers and performance indicators that would improve conversion rates across all resort locations. We listened to and observed 144 calls over seven days to identify the call reason, repeat callers, and areas of opportunity to improve call center performance. We provided data-driven recommendations to reduce call volume while improving contact center agent performance efficiency during the calls that could not be rerouted to other channels.


Based on these findings, we identified cost-saving opportunities through efficiency and call deflation strategies:

  • Our contact center experts customized our Call Flow Activity (CFA) tool to ensure critical client-specific data points were captured to identify root causes. This resource reduced repeat calls by 40,000, generating a cost savings of over $64,000.

  • We also created a fully customized efficiency-focused contact center training program to empower call center agents to provide first-call resolutions. Our Call Flow Activity (CFA) tool, in tandem with the improved contact center training program, reduced AHT by 45 seconds and improved the accuracy of sales conversion metrics and tracking.


Insite’s Time and Motion Evaluation for Service Volume Reduction generates a $64,000 cost savings for a nationwide resort and lodging company’s contact center.

America’s largest family indoor waterpark resort, engaged with Insite to solution the contact center challenges of a rapid increase in call volume and repeat callers. They leveraged Insite to root cause challenges, and design and implement call center improvement strategies to reduce repeat calls and increase cost savings.


Decrease of Repeat Calls in Contact Center


In Overall Cost-Savings


This company was experiencing an unanticipated and rapidly increasing service volume and a steady decline in reservation line conversion rates. Based on the projected service requirements, there was a significant gap between available contact center agents and the anticipated volume during their peak season from June through August. The client feared that this service gap would create a negative guest experience and potential loss in revenue. They were seeking answers to two critical questions:

  • What opportunities exist to reduce service call volume during peak season?
  • How can we identify repeat callers before routing them to an available call center agent?


To better understand the client’s challenges, our contact center consultants conducted a time and motion study of calls into the new reservation sales line. They documented the key drivers and performance indicators that would improve conversion rates across all resort locations. We listened to and observed 144 calls over seven days to identify the call reason, repeat callers, and areas of opportunity to improve call center performance. We provided data-driven recommendations to reduce call volume while improving contact center agent performance efficiency during the calls that could not be rerouted to other channels.


Based on these findings, we identified cost-saving opportunities through efficiency and call deflation strategies:

  • Our contact center experts customized our Call Flow Activity (CFA) tool to ensure critical client-specific data points were captured to identify root causes. This resource reduced repeat calls by 40,000, generating a cost savings of over $64,000.

  • We also created a fully customized efficiency-focused contact center training program to empower call center agents to provide first-call resolutions. Our Call Flow Activity (CFA) tool, in tandem with the improved contact center training program, reduced AHT by 45 seconds and improved the accuracy of sales conversion metrics and tracking.


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